Saturday 29 September 2012


Compliments are such nice and warm gifts in life. I love the warmth and love in a compliment. I love that people want to tell you something sweet. But most of all, I love those compliments about things you didn’t do “on purpose”. The ones that are hidden in a message. And I love it even more when they’re from a kid we teach.
I love our kids.

Last week, a mom came up to me. She had just brought her 9-year-old to our musicalclass.
“Sabrina, I couldn’t say it in front of him, but he is really ill. His stomach hurts and he has been on the toilet the whole day. But when I said to him he couldn’t go to his musicaltheatreclass, he looked at me with this sad face and said: “But mom, musicaltheatre is the móst important thing in my life! You can’t take that away from me!”
Aaaaahhhh, how cute!
A hidden compliment :-)

Friday 28 September 2012

High five for Friday, no 6.

This week was a hard one. The fall wheather arrived, I didn’t sleep well and I’ve had some tough talks to do for work. I don’t like this rainy, cold wheather, I get annoyed by missing hours of sleep and I don’t like to tell people bad news. So it kinda sucked.
But that’s life. And in this life, there’s still a sunny thing in all this rain, which is High five for Friday!


How was your week? Tell me in the comments below!
These are my highlights:

1. Dinner with friends.
Remember when we had a nice vacation in France? The cute house belongs to friends. To thank them, we cooked for them last week. Frank made some awesome pasta with sardines and I made tiramisu. We talked so much I forgot to take pictures!

2. A lovely postcard.
These days not many people send postcards. Except one of my aunts! She loves to send sweet cards. Every birthday or holiday I receive the cutest cards from her. Today this one came in the mail:

Friday 21 September 2012

High five for Friday, no 5.

Happy Friday everyone!
After a weird week of not sleeping much and lots of coffee, it finally became Friday.

My high fives of this week:

1. About me.
I worked on my “Meet Sabrina” page! It’s not yet what I want, but it’s a start. I’ve read a lot of blogs and their about me’s, but I can’t figure out what I want to be online and what not.
It must be personal, but not too. Colourful, but not a chaos. What do you miss in my Meet Sabrina-page?

2. Body rock.
I hate sports. Don’t get me wrong, dancing is sports too. But I mean the gym, anything with a ball flying around and running around in teams or alone. But I have to stay fit, so I have no choice.
I used to go to the gym, but I got bored. Then I started running, but I got bored. I’ve tried classes at the gym. Boring.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Too much coffee.

Last week I told you how I drank a cup of delicious cappuccino and then couldn’t sleep.
Well, now it’s the other way around.
I am not sleeping and have to drink a cappuccino.

I don’t really know why. I’m in a happy place with my life right now, work is going well and there’s nothing going on that annoys me.
But I’m not balanced. I háve to be balanced.

Saturday 15 September 2012

How to not fall asleep.

So, I took a picture of my lovely cappuccino.
Freshly made by our new espressomachine. And then I drank it. At 10 pm. And I never drink coffee.
The result? It's now 2 am and I'm still awake.

I've been putting a lót of photos in albums, I've cleaned the whole kitchen, I organized some stuff in our huge room of chaos, a.k.a the living room, and did some DIY-ing. I had an unfinished DIY project (well actually, I have tons...) so I decided to finish it.

Friday 14 September 2012

High five for Friday, no 4

Oh gosh, how the time flies!
Yet another Friday.
Since the schoolseason has started quite busy, I haven’t been able to write about other stuff, but I’m sure I’ll write more later.

Here are my high fives of this week:

1. A day off!
It’s rare in our life that we have days off. We (hubs & I) work lots of hours to achieve our goals with our company and constantly move forward. Especially when everyone’s in this economic crisis, you have to outstand to survive. Luckily, we survive. So we must be outstanding, right?
Anyway, a lesson I’ve learned the hard way, is that you have to take a break sometimes. And there the day off came in.
I welcomed it. I loved it. And the next day I went back to work with a smile!

Friday 7 September 2012

High five for Friday, no 3.

It’s Friday! Tell me, how was your week? What were your high fives of the week? 
We had our first week of the season at Boss Musical. Great students (old& new), lessons full of joy and excitement and a very happy mr & mrsBos.

My high fives of this week:

1. Open house at Boss Musical.
This was truly amazing! We gave three musicaltheatreworkshops, all very succesfull. (Is “succesfull” a word, or am I justliterally translating from the Dutch word…?) 
And our Boss Kids & Grown Ups did a great performance, I’m soooo proud!!