Tuesday 18 September 2012

Too much coffee.

Last week I told you how I drank a cup of delicious cappuccino and then couldn’t sleep.
Well, now it’s the other way around.
I am not sleeping and have to drink a cappuccino.

I don’t really know why. I’m in a happy place with my life right now, work is going well and there’s nothing going on that annoys me.
But I’m not balanced. I háve to be balanced.

My latest hobby is organizing.
I feel calm and in control when everything’s organized. Nothing really ever was organized. My car, our living room, our eating schedule.
Then I started to organize the eating stuff.
Monday is my grocery day, I pick up groceries for the whole week. Result? I know what to eat every day of the week, don’t waste time doing groceries every day, we spend less and I buy less unhealthy stuff!

Now I’m organizing our home. When to clean, when to do the laundry, cleaning up closets, throwing away stuff that’s still in boxes.
And I feel more calm.

But today. There’s just something weird about today. And yesterday. And actually also the day before.
I didn’t sleep well.
I was still sleepy after a nice hot shower.
My inbox delivered depressing emails.
I got weird phonecalls.
My hair is flat.
My contactlenses hurt.
I drank coffee.

I never drink coffee.
They say karma is a bitch. But I can’t think of anything that I could’ve done to upset my karma.
Maybe I’m just very tired.

How is your day?

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